Favorite Quotations ~  Taste How to Taste: Guide to Enjoying Wine

"Taste is the enemy of creativeness." ~ Pablo Picasso


Taste everything, eat nothing. ~ Bethenny Frankel

Taste is the best judge. It is rare. Art only addresses itself to an excessively small number of individuals. ~ Paul Cézanne

People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like. ~ Abraham Lincoln

Nothing is more fearful than imagination without taste. ~ Johann von Goethe

I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best. ~ Oscar Wilde

Good taste is death; vulgarity life. ~ Mary Quant

Don't confuse good taste with the absence of taste. ~ William Bernbach

Bad taste makes the day go by faster. ~ Andy Warhol

All of life is a dispute over taste and tasting. ~ Friedrich W. Nietzsche

Taste may be compared to that exquisite sense of the bee, which instantly discovers and extracts the quintessence of every flower, and disregards all the rest of it. ~ Fulke Greville

There are two kinds of taste, the taste for emotions of surprise and the taste for emotions of recognition. ~ Henry James

If bad taste were a felony, every writer I know would've done prison time. ~ Steve Bochco

I am taste! ~ Henry Parish II

Taste. You cannot buy such a rare and wonderful thing. You can't send away for it in a catalogue. And I'm afraid it's becoming obsolete. ~ Rosalind Russell

He who has never tasted what is bitter does not know what is sweet. ~ German Proverb