Widgets Passionate Colors Newsletter ~ #4 ~ Courage Courage to Heal

"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen."
~ Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill

What is courage? Winston Churchill’s wonderful words certainly inspire reflection. Churchill, the man, had his flaws, like everyone else. But with moral courage and determination, he pulled his nation through the crisis of World War II.

Churchill was a leader of resolve and eloquence. He did not surrender… Act as if it's impossible to fail and you won't fail!

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts,” he said.

“You can’t test courage cautiously.” ~ Annie Dillard

Annie Dillard won a Pulitzer Prize in 1975 for her novel Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, a look at life through nature. She wrote the book after a life-threatening bout with pneumonia. With nature’s “fact and mystery,” she was able to boldly experience life more fully.

Everyone is afraid. The key to greatness is to act passionately in the face of adversity.

"Courage is the greatest of all virtues, because if you haven't courage, you may not have an opportunity to use any of the others" ~ Samuel Johnson

Strive to confront your fears and take action in the face of doubt. Move forward!

"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear." ~ Mark Twain

My Favorite BooksTake action in the face of doubt.