At times history and fate meet at a single time in a single place to shape a turning point in man's unending search for freedom. ~ Lyndon B. Johnson
Difficulty is the excuse history never accepts. ~ Edward R. Murrow
Each day is a drive through history. ~ Jim Morrison
Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up. ~ Ronald Wright
The greatest historian should also be a great moralist. It is no proof of impartiality to treat wickedness and goodness on the same level. ~ Theodore Roosevelt, 1912
If, after all, men cannot always make history have meaning, they can always act so that their own lives have one. ~ Albert Camus
George Orwell said, "Whoever controls the past controls the future," by which he meant that history is incredibly important in shaping the world view of the next generation of people. ~ Howard Zinn
What history teaches us is that we have never learned anything from it. ~ Georg Hegel
You can learn to be a better person from history. When you’ve seen what other people faced, you can take heart. ~ Philip Bigler, Teacher of the Year
Anyone can look for history in a museum. Creative explorers look for history in hardware stores. ~ Robert Wieder
Historical sense and poetic sense should not, in the end, be contradictory, for if poetry is the little myth we make, history is the big myth we live, and in our living, constantly remake. ~ Robert Penn Warren, Brother to Dragons
Pieter Geyl, the great Dutch historian, properly described history as “an argument without end.” ~ Arthur Schlesinger, Jr, American Heritage, Feb/March 1992
History is written by winners, so most history books are about people who win. ~ Harold S. Kushner, Overcoming Life's Disappointments
History is bunk. ~ Henry Ford
What is history but a fable agreed upon? ~ Napoléon Bonaparte
While we read history we make history. ~ George William Curtis