Hawaii is not a state of mind, but a state of grace. ~ Paul Theroux
I cannot help feeling that the chief end of this meeting is plantation profits, and the prosperity of the counrty, the demands of society, the future of the Hawaiian race only comes secondarily if at all. ~ Sanford B. Dole
The Hula is the heartbeat of the Hawaiian People. ~ David Kalakaua
If you don't have at least a working knowledge of the Hawaiian language… you can't chant well. You cannot… receive the images of poetry paints for you. It's like having peas and no pod. ~ Keali'I Reichel
Cry for the gods, cry for the people/ Cry for the land that was taken away/And then yet you'll find, Hawai'i. ~ Mickey Ioane
If you play that music with feeling, it brings tears to your eyes. ~ Raymond Kane
Hawaiian music is the roots for the Hawaiian people. It tells the history of where we came from. Not having Hawaiian music in my life would be like losing half of my body--- because Hawaiian music helps me to be a better person. ~ Kevin Brown
After all, Hawaii is the best land. (O Hawaii no ka aina maikai) ~ Hawaiian Proverb
Never turn your back on the ocean. ~ Hawaiian Saying
It (Maui) is queer country, hard to describe because it varies so—and all the foliage changes—sometimes grass—sometimes cane—sometimes bamboo—there are many waterfalls—masses of rank trees and bushes—all new to me—… always the sea with usually its black rim of lava at the edge. ~ Georgia O'Keeffe