Passionate Colors Newsletter
#2 ~ Thoughts
The Secret
Just think you are just ONE thought away from feeling good. Thought is creative and you have the power to transform your life by the way you think. Religions, philosophy, and other theories of psychology are based on this discovery.
It is not what happens to you, but how you think about what happens to you that determines how you feel. BE HAPPY...
French writer Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette understood. Are you as wise? TODAY... By the Law of Attraction, prosperity and abundance are possible just by imagining it. This secret reveals that the universe responds to your every thought, feeling, and action. You can attract what you need if you only ask for it. You can find joy by using your talents. Happiness is now, its today. Its inside you. Its more than having positive thoughts; its LIVING your positive thoughts. CELEBRATE THE POSSIBILITIES...
"You are only one thought away from a good feeling." ~ Sheila Kristal
"Be happy. Its one way of being wise." ~ Colette
"People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be. ~ Abraham Lincoln
Live! Enjoy! Celebrate the endless possibilities. Immerse yourself in whatever you are doing. Find the passionate colors
every single one of them.