1. U.S. drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima, Nagasaki: Japan surrenders,
WW II ends. (8/6-9/45)
2. Neil Armstrong's moon walk. 7/10/69
3. Japan bombs Pearl Harbor: U.S. enters WW II 12/7/41
4. Wright Brothers fly first airplane 12/17/03
5. Women win vote 1920
6. JFK Assassinated in Dallas 11/22/63
7. Horrors of Nazi Holocaust exposed 1945
8. WW I begins in Europe Aug 1914
9. School Segregation Ends 1954
10. Stock market crash/Great Depression 10/24-29/29
11. Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin. 1928
12. DNA discovered 1953
13. U.S.S.R dissolves 1991
14. Nixon resigns after Watergate scandal 8/9/74
15. Germany invades Poland: WW II begins in Europe 1939
16. Russian revolution ends: Communists take over. Oct. 1917
17. Ford organizes assembly line to produce Model
T cars. 1913
18. Soviets launch Sputnik: Space race begins. 10/4/57
19. Einstein's special theory of relativity 1905
20. FDA approves birth control pill 1960
21. Jonas Salk's polio vaccine successful 1953
22. Adolf Hitler/Nazi Party seize
power. Jan 1933
23. Martin Luther King assassinated in Memphis 4/4/68
24. D-Day Invasion marks beginning of end of WW II in Europe.
25. Deadly AIDS disease identified. 1981