They'll be partying again this year in Italy for three days with live music and tributes. That's how the Glory Days fan club celebrates Bruce Springsteen (1949-), born on this day in Freehold, New Jersey.
Words can't capture the magic of his electrifying live performances and extraordinary musical talent. You have to see him in person to believe it. "I’ve always prided myself on being able to deliver," Bruce once offered in an interview.
Bruce consistently delivers and has produced a body of original work that has changed the direction of popular music and American culture. All the while he has believed in democracy's promise, held on to idealism, and inspired others to do the same.
Both onstage and off.
Political writer Eric Alterman wrote in his excellent homage It Ain't No Sin to Be Glad You're Alive (1999) about a terminally ill boy who had requested an autographed copy of Born To Run (1975) from the Miami Make-A-Wish Foundation. Bruce delivered the album in person, spent the afternoon with the boy, and asked for no media coverage.
More SPRINGSTEEN Quotations
Hold on to your idealism.
I'm there in the pit center, at the front rail, at 2:50-3:06. Singing along.