August 26 ~  Stop and Take Notice History of  American Suffragist

"Hearing that you have a disease that is incurable with an average life span of just three years does make one stop and take notice." ~ Geraldine Ferraro

Geraldine Ferraro, Portrait by Joyce Tenneson Photography
Image courtesy of Joyce Tenneson Photography

When Geraldine Ferraro was diagnosed with a rare, bone-destroying blood cancer called multiple myeloma in December 1998, she reacted with upbeat optimism: "This is a race I may not win, but I've lost other races before, so it's not the end of the world."

Calling herself "fine and in remission," Ferraro became a passionate advocate for cancer survival. In 2001, she told a Senate panel she hoped to survive long enough “to attend the inauguration of the first woman President of the United States." She urged the Senate to devote more money to scientific research and speed up approval of new drugs.

"Modern life is confusing--no Ms. take about it," she once said. 

Geraldine Anne Ferraro (1935-2011) was born on this day in New York City, the child of Italian immigrants. A teacher and lawyer, she became a prominent Democratic leader, serving three terms in the U.S. House of Representatives (1979–1985).

Ferraro made history in 1984 as Walter Mondale's running mate, becoming the first woman nominated as vice-president by a major party.

"Vice president—it has such a nice ring to it!" she said when she accepted Mondale's historic invitation. She and Mondale lost to President Ronald Reagan and running mate George H.W. Bush.

An inspiration to those struggling with cancer, Ferraro said: "My biggest thing is the personal contact with everyone who has the disease. I receive phone calls and letters from them and I return every call and answer every letter."

Taking notice, Ferraro looked to the future with hope...

Take notice... and celebrate the precious colors of life!