My Poetry ~  Ronald Loved the Ocean (Ronald Ng) Living When a Loved One Has Died

"Grief isn’t all tears." ~ Patti Smith

Ronald Loved the Ocean
The last time we talked,
Two days before he died,
Ronald Ng said,
"All I need is a six-pack, my boat, and the ocean.
With the beauty of the water I am truly alive."

To dive for tako
Fish for ahi
Or sit and stare at the clean honest tide.
To look at the magnificent Koolaus,
And dream of swimming with Kahiwamano,
his light, his cherished "little man."

Ronald loved the ocean
and that's where we'll take him
One last time.
To mix his ashes and our tears with the sea.

And from the sea,
His soul will glow with the sunlight,
the moon, the stars,
in our hearts, with God,
Purified, in peace
Forever sacred
In Kaneohe Bay

June, 1997