January 22 ~  Still In Our Thoughts Hateship, Friendship, Courtship

"Friends are not only together when they are side-by-side, even one who is far away... is still in our thoughts." ~ Ludwig Van Beethoven


Happy Birthday, Beverly, my special childhood friend.

Ever since we first played jacks together and traded Nancy Drew novels in the 4th grade, we have been close, weathering the challenges and celebrating the joys of life.

As writer Donna Levine put it, "Friends are cherished people whom we carry in our hearts wherever we go in life."

Even now, Beverly comes through for me. We are on some special wave-length, able to understand each other without words, whether we're in the same room or thousands of miles apart. I am so lucky to have her as a friend.

"Best friend, my well-spring in the wilderness," exclaimed writer George Eliot.

It's true! Friends are precious people who accept each other with unconditional love. Friends celebrate each others talents and acknowledge faults without judgment.

"A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him, I may think aloud," Ralph Waldo Emerson once said.

With friendship, we learn the art of giving. I know that Beverly will always be there for me and is only a mouse click or telephone call away. I feel so blessed to have her as a life-long friend.

A friend who enters your heart remains there forever.

"Special friends multiply your smiles," praised Emilia Larson. "And constantly add to your favorite memories."

friendshipFriends are forever in our hearts.

My SPIN on Other Stuff | More FRIENDSHIP Quotations